The new version of SysExporter utility (v1.60) allows you to grab data from Explorer windows that display files and folder under Windows 7 operating system.
The Explorer windows of Windows 7 appears in SysExporter as a type of ‘DirectUI’.
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The new version of SysExporter utility (v1.60) allows you to grab data from Explorer windows that display files and folder under Windows 7 operating system.
The Explorer windows of Windows 7 appears in SysExporter as a type of ‘DirectUI’.
OutlookAddressBookView is a new utility that displays the details of all recipients stored in the address books of Microsoft Outlook. For every recipient entry, the following information is displayed: Email Address, Display Name, Address Type (MS-Exchange or SMTP), Street Address, Phone Number, Created Time, Modified Time (Works only with address books of Exchange server), and more…
You can easily select one or more recipients from the list and export them into tab-delimited/comma-delimited/xml/html file, or copy them to the clipboard and then paste the list into Excel.
You can download this new tool from this Web page.
NetBScanner is a new network scanner tool that scans all computers in the IP addresses range you choose, using NetBIOS protocol. For every computer located by this NetBIOS scanner, the following information is displayed: IP Address, Computer Name, Workgroup or Domain, MAC Address, and the company that manufactured the network adapter (determined according to the MAC address).
NetBScanner also shows whether a computer is a Master Browser. You can easily select one or more computers found by NetBScanner, and then export the list into csv/tab-delimited/xml/html file.
You can download the new NetBIOS scanner tool from this Web page.
Recently, many users complained that VideoCacheView cannot extract valid video files saved in the cache by YouTube Web site, because YouTube started to split their video files into multiple parts. So finally, I managed to create a solution that solves this problem.
Starting from version of 2.20 of VideoCacheView, it automatically detects the .flv video files split by YouTube Web site, and displays every chunk of split files as a single record.
The new ‘Split Files Count’ column displays the number of split files that the displayed record represents.
When you use the ‘Copy Selected Files To…’ option, VideoCacheView automatically merges all split files into one .flv that can be played in .flv player. The files are merged in the order of the created date/time of every file.
When you choose to delete a record containing split video files, all split files are deleted at once.
You can download the latest version of VideoCacheView from this Web page.
The new version of WirelessKeyView (v1.50) allows you to easily select one or more wireless keys stored on your computer, export them into a simple text file, and then import these wireless keys into another computer.
This feature might be very useful if you have a large amount of wireless network keys and you want to move them into another computer, without the need of typing every key separately.
Before you start using this feature, you should be aware that there are some problems/limitations:
You can find the new version of WirelessKeyView in this Web page.
ExifDataView is a new utility that reads and displays the Exif data stored inside .jpg image files generated by digital cameras. The Exif data includes the name of the company created the camera, camera model, the date/time that the photograph was taken, Exposure Time, ISO Speed, GPS information (for digital cameras with GPS), and more.
The main window of ExifDataView displays 2 panes. The upper pane shows the list of all Exif properties found in the opened .jpg file. When selecting a single property in the upper pane, the lower pane displays the selected property as Hex Dump.
You can download this new utility from this Web page.
BluetoothLogView is a new utility that monitors the activity of Bluetooth devices in your area, and displays a log of Bluetooth devices on the main window. Every time that a new Bluetooth device arrives to your area and when the device leaves your area, a new log line is added with the following information: Device Name, Device Address, Event Time, Event Type (‘Device Arrival’ or ‘Device Left’), Device Type, and the company that created the device. BluetoothLogView also allows you to specify a description for every Bluetooth device (according to its MAC address) that will appear under the ‘Description’ column.
BluetoothLogView requires a bluetooth dongle and works with the standard Bluetooth stack of Windows XP/SP2, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
You can download this new utility from this Web page.
Starting from version 2.00 of SearchMyFiles utility, there is a new search mode – ‘Summary Mode’. When you scan your files in summary mode, instead of displaying the list of all found files, SearchMyFiles displays summary information for every scanned folder. The summary information of every folder includes the total size of all files, total size on disk, total files count, and number of hidden/read-only/system/compressed files.
After the scan is finished, you can watch the folders summary in 2 modes:
The result of this new summary mode is very similar to my old FoldersReport utility, which hasn’t been updated for a long time.
When you’re in summary mode, you can still use most of the other search options to create a folders size report according to your needs. For example, if you want to create a summary report only about the files created in the last 7 days (instead of all files report), simply choose to search the files created in the last 7 days, like you do in standard search.
You can download the new version of SearchMyFiles from this Web page.
Password Security Scanner is a new utility that scans the passwords stored by popular Windows applications (Microsoft Outlook, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and more…) and displays security information about all these passwords. The security information of every stored password includes the total number of characters, number of numeric characters, number of lowercase/uppercase characters, number of repeating characters, and password strength. You can use this tool to determine whether the passwords used by other users are secured enough, without watching the passwords themselves.
You can find more information about this new tool on this Web page.
USBLogView is a new utility that runs in the background and records the details of any USB device that is plugged or unplugged into your system.
For every log line created by USBLogView, the following information is displayed: Event Type (Plug/Unplug), Event Time, Device Name, Description, Device Type, Drive Letter (For storage devices), Serial Number (Only for some types of devices), Vendor ID, Product ID, Vendor Name, Product Name, and more…
You can download this new utility from this Web page.