As I promised a few months ago, The first version of WhatIsHang is finally here.

WhatIsHang is a small tool that can detect applications that stopped responding (hang) and  displays some information that may help the user to understand what exactly may cause the hang problem. Currently, most  of the hang information displayed by WhatIsHang is designed for Windows experts and programmers, but I’ll gradually try to make it more friendly for all users, in the future versions.

For more information about WhatIsHang utility, click here.


After long time without updates, a new Beta version of Volumouse with improved x64 and Windows 7/2008/Vista  support is available to download.

Here’s the list of major improvements available in the Beta version of Volumouse 2.00:

  • Volumouse now allows you to configure up to 12 rules, in 2 pages.
  • Volumouse x64 now supports both x64 applications and 32-bit applications, without the need of running 2 instances of Volumouse.
  • On Windows Vista/7/2008 you can now change the volume of specific application. (See the ‘Windows 7/Vista/2008 Options’ in the ‘Advanced Rule Options’ window)
  • On Screen Display indicator now allows you to add your own text that describes the rule.
  • Added ‘Send Hot Keys’ component, which allows you to send the specified keys combination to the active application on every wheel move. (Be careful with this feature: Don’t use it with Ctrl/Shift/Alt keys on the rule’s condition)
  • Added “Don’t restrict the indicator position to screen size” option for TrackBar indicators. This feature may be useful for users with multiple monitors.

You can download the Beta version of Volumouse 2 from this page.

Volumouse 2 Beta - Main Window

Volumouse 2 Beta - Main Window

Volumouse 2.00 Beta - Advanced Rule Options

Volumouse 2.00 Beta - Advanced Rule Options

ChromeHistoryView is a new utility that reads the history data file of Google Chrome Web browser, and displays the list of all visited Web pages in the last days.
For each visited Web page, the following information is displayed: URL, Title, Visit Date/Time, Number of visits, number of times that the user typed this address (Typed Count), Referrer, and Visit ID.
You can select one or more history items, and them export them into html/xml/csv/text file, or copy the information to the clipboard and paste it into Excel.

For more information about this new utility, click here.



ChromeCookiesView is an alternative to the standard internal cookies viewer of Google Chrome Web browser. it displays the list of all cookies stored by Google Chrome Web browser, and allows you to easily delete unwanted cookies. It also allows you export the cookies into text/csv/html/xml file.
For every cookie, the following information is displayed: Host Name, Path, Name, Value, Secure (Yes/No), HTTP Only Cookie (Yes/No), Last Accessed Time, Creation Time, Expiration Time.

For more information about this new utility, click here.



A week ago, I released a new utility named ‘WebBrowserPassView‘ that can recover lost web site passwords for the following Web browsers: Internet Explorer (Version 4.0 – 8.0), Mozilla Firefox (All Versions), Google Chrome, and Opera.
This tool is somewhat a combination of my other password recovery tools: IE PassView, PasswordFox, ChromePass, and OperaPassView.
However, some of the advanced features available in the other tools, like master password support and reading the passwords from external drive, are still not available in the merged WebBrowserPassView utility.

The advanced features will  gradually be added in future versions of WebBrowserPassView.



Windows 7/2008/Vista has a new feature that allows you to adjust the volume level of every application separately, by using the Volume Mixer utility that comes with Windows.

Windows 7 Volume Mixer

Windows 7 Volume Mixer

But what about changing the volume level of specific application from command-line and without any user interface ?

The new version of NirCmd (v2.50) allows you to easily set, change, or mute/unmute the volume of every application on Windows 7/2008/Vista.

There are 3 new commands – setappvolume for setting absolute volume lever, changeappvolume for increasing/decreasing the volume level, and muteappvolume which allows you to mute/unmute the volume.

For example, if you want to set the volume of Internet Explorer to 40%, execute this command:
NirCmd.exe setappvolume iexplore.exe 0.4

If you want to decrease the volume of Flash video inside Firefox Web browser by 20% of the maximum volume, execute this command:

NirCmd.exe changeappvolume plugin-container.exe -0.2

If you want to mute/unmute the music that you play on Windows Media Player, execute this command:

NirCmd.exe muteappvolume wmplayer.exe 2

In all 3 commands mentioned above, you can also specify a third optional parameter with the device name or device index that you want to use. When you don’t specify the device, the default output device is used.

If you don’t know which sound devices are available in your system, you can use the new showsounddevices command to get the list of all sound devices in your Windows 7/2008/Vista system:

NirCmd.exe showsounddevices

FirefoxDownloadsView is a new utility that displays the list of the latest files that you downloaded with Firefox. For every download record, the following information is displayed: Download URL, Download Filename (with full path), Referrer, MIME Type, File Size, Start/End Time, Download Duration, and Average Download Speed.

You can easily select one or more downloads, and then save the list into xml/html/text/csv file or copy the downloads information to the clipboard and paste it into Excel or other spreadsheet application. You can also copy (With Explorer Copy – Ctrl+E) and paste the downloads list into HashMyFiles utility, in order to check the MD5/SHA1 hashes of the downloaded files.

For more information about this utility, click here.



DriveLetterView is a new utility that allows you to view the list of all drive letter assignments in your system, including local drives, remote network drives, CD/DVD drives, and USB drives – even if they are not currently plugged.
It also allows you to easily change a drive letter of USB devices and remote network shares, as well as to delete a drive letter of USB device that is not plugged, and to export the list of all drive letters into text/csv/html/xml file.

For more information about this utility, click here.



2 new console applications (Command-Prompt) were added to NirSoft Web sites:

  1. AltStreamDump: This utility is the console version of the AlternateStreamView utility. it dumps the list of NTFS alternate streams found in the current directory or in any other directory that you choose.



  2. WirelessKeyDump: This utility is the console version of the WirelessKeyView utility. it dumps the list of all wireless keys stored by the wireless networks module of Windows operating system.



In the beta version of Firefox 4, there are some changes inside the cache files structure that caused to MozillaCacheView and VideoCacheView utilities to work  improperly with it.  In the new versions of these utilities, I made a few changes, so they’ll also be able to read properly the cache files of Firefox 4 Beta.