Archive for the ‘Utilities Update’ Category

RegDllView is a small utility that displays the list of all dll/ocx/exe files currently registered on your system, and allows you to easily unregister/remove file registrations that you don’t need anymore.

The new version of RegDllView (v1.35), has a few new useful features:

  • Added Drag & Drop support – When you drag .dll/.ocx files from Explorer into the window of RegDllView, they are automatically registered.
  • Added Re-Register files option – Allows you to register again files that already registered. (For fixing problems with registrations)
  • Added ‘Open Folder’ option.
  • Added ‘Register File’ option.
  • Added x64 version for handling dll registrations in 64-bit environment.
  • Also, Fixed some problems with the ‘Unregister Selected Files’ option.

NirCmd has 2 new improvements in the commands reference:

  1. The .chm file now contains a list of all commands in the contents, allows you to easily jump to the right NirCmd command.

  2. New online help of NirCmd is available in
    You can easily open the right command in this online help, simply by using help command of NirCmd, for example:
    NirCmd.exe help setvolume

    the above command will open your default Web browser in

There are 2 new columns in the statistics table of OutlookStatView utility:
‘First Computer Address’ and ‘Last Computer Address’

These columns display the computer address and/or IP address of the computer that sent the email.
Depending on the SMTP server configuration of the user that sent the email, these columns may contain the internal IP address of the user, the computer name of the user, or the external IP address of the mail server.

There are 2 new columns in SmartSniff utility: ‘Last Packet Time’ and ‘Data Speed’
The ‘Last Packet Time’ column displays the date/time of the last packet captured for the specified connection.
The ‘Data Speed’ column displays the calculated speed in KB/Sec. This speed is calculated by using the ‘Data Size’ value and the number of milliseconds elapsed since the first packet of this connection arrived.

IPInfoOffline utility has a new feature that allows you to easily insert country information for
each IP address inside the output generated by tracert (traceroute) or other network related tools.

For example, if the tracert output looks like this:

Tracing route to []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 11 ms 13 ms 14 ms
2 25 ms 29 ms 27 ms
3 36 ms 37 ms 36 ms
4 55 ms 56 ms 55 ms
5 265 ms 131 ms 97 ms
6 79 ms 82 ms 92 ms
7 160 ms 158 ms 159 ms
8 175 ms 182 ms 186 ms
9 175 ms 173 ms 176 ms
10 180 ms 190 ms 181 ms
11 186 ms 184 ms 184 ms
12 170 ms 171 ms 172 ms

Trace complete.

After injecting country names with IPInfoOffline, it’ll look like this:

Tracing route to [ {United States} ]

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 11 ms 13 ms 14 ms {United Kingdom}
2 25 ms 29 ms 27 ms {United Kingdom}
3 36 ms 37 ms 36 ms {European Union}
4 55 ms 56 ms 55 ms {European Union}
5 265 ms 131 ms 97 ms {European Union}
6 79 ms 82 ms 92 ms {European Union}
7 160 ms 158 ms 159 ms {European Union}
8 175 ms 182 ms 186 ms {European Union}
9 175 ms 173 ms 176 ms {European Union}
10 180 ms 190 ms 181 ms {United States}
11 186 ms 184 ms 184 ms {United States}
12 170 ms 171 ms 172 ms {United States}

Trace complete.

In order to get a result like this one, simply run tracert.exe of Windows with the host name you wish, and send the output into a file. After that, run IPInfoOffline.exe with /AddCountry, and specify the filename that you saved the trace.

For example:

tracert -d > c:\temp\trace1.txt
IPInfoOffline.exe /AddCountry “c:\temp\trace1.txt”

IPInfoOffline is available to download here.

OutlookStatView is a new utility that allows you to scan your Outlook mailbox, and get a general statistics about the users that you communicate via emails.

After scanning your mailbox, OutlookStatView displays the following information for each user:

  • Display Name: The display name of the user.
  • Email: The email address.
  • Total Incoming: Total number of emails that sent by this user to your mailbox.
  • Total Outgoing (To): Total number of emails that you sent to this user as ‘To’.
  • Total Outgoing (CC): Total number of emails that you sent to this user as ‘CC’.
  • Total Outgoing (BCC): Total number of emails that you sent to this user as ‘BCC’.
  • Total Outgoing (All): Total number of emails that you sent to this user.
  • Total Messages Size: Total size of messages sent by this user.
  • First Message On: The date/time of the first time that you sent or received a message to this user.
  • Last Message On: The date/time of the last time that you sent or received a message to this user.
  • First Software Name: The software name (Outlook, Thunderbird, and so on) that this user used in his first message sent to you. Be aware that for some kind of emails (For example: GMail accounts), this field will remain empty.
  • Last Software Name: The software name (Outlook, Thunderbird, and so on) that this user used in his last message sent to you. Be aware that for some kind of emails (For example: GMail accounts), this field will remain empty.

For more information about this utility, click here

  • WirelessNetView: Fixed issue – When WirelessNetView detect more than one network with the same SSID, it’ll be dispalyed as a separated item.
  • MyEventViewer: Added /remote command-line option to connect a remote computer.
  • SiteShoter: SiteShoter now saves the image in a new method, so all Java applets and other 3-party components are now saved properly.
  • IPInfoOffline: Added ‘Index’ column that displays the order of the IP addresses in your list.
  • MyLastSearch: Added support for search queries of Wikipedia, Friendster, hi5, Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace.
  • SearchMyFiles: Added command-line support.
  • WebVideoCap: Fixed bug – WebVideoCap crashed on some mms/RTSP streams.
  • VideoCacheView: Added /copyalltemp and /copymms to command line, and fixed Windows 7/Vista bugs.
  • NirCmd: Added loop command, currtime and currdate variables.
  • Mail PassView: The accounts of Windows Live Mail are now also displayed if you changed the store folder location.
  • WhatInStartup: Added ‘Execute Command’ and ‘File Properties’ options.
  • SpecialFoldersView: Added ‘Folder Properties’ option, and ‘My Documents’ folder that I missed in the previous versions.
  • DLL Export Viewer: Added support for Drag & Drop and for ‘Open With’ menu/dialog-box of Windows.
  • WhoisThisDomain and WhoisCL: Updated the whois server of .ms domains.

The new version of VideoCacheView now allows you to easily save all flash videos currently opened in your Web browser, even without displaying any user interface. You can use this feature with most popular video sharing Web sites, like YouTube, iFilm, Metacafe, and so on.

Simply run VideoCacheView with /copyalltemp as command-line parameter and specify the destination folder to save the .flv files, for example:

VideoCacheView.exe /copyalltemp “c:\my video files”

You can also use /copyalltemp parameter without specifying the destination folder:

VideoCacheView.exe /copyalltemp

In this case, VideoCacheView will ask you to select the desired folder to save the flash video files:

If you download and install VideoCacheView with full installation support (VideoCacheView_setup.exe), the “Save All Opened Flash Videos” shortcut is automatically created in programs group of VideoCacheView.
Clicking this shortcut allows you to select the desired destination folder, and then all currently
opened flash videos are saved into the folder that you selected.

  • CurrPorts: Added drag And drop icon in the toolbar that allows to to easily filter by the desired application. Simply drag the target icon into the window of the application, and CurrPorts will display only the opened ports of this application.
  • OpenedFilesView: Added drag And drop icon in the toolbar that allows to to easily view only the opened files of the desired application simply by dragging the target icon from the OpenedFilesView toolbar into the application.
    Also Added processfilter command-line option.
  • WhoisThisDomain and WhoisCL: Updated the whois servers for .is, .lt, .ma, .md, .pl, .si, and .sk domains.
  • SiteShoter: Fixed bug – SiteShoter failed to create screenshots of very large Web pages when there was not enough memory in the video card. SiteShoter now uses the computer memory instead of the video card memory.
  • IconsExtract: Fixed bug – The size of PNG based icons is now displayed properly. (In prevoius versions, the size was displayed as 0x0).
  • SysExporter: Added ‘Remove Question Mark Characters’ – Useful for date/time and some other columns of Explorer in Windows Vista.