Just a week ago, I released the first Beta of NirLauncher package to download from this Blog. For the beginning, I deliberately released this package quietly only in my Blog, and added some download restrictions, because this package is relatively large, and I wanted to make sure that my server won’t be overloaded by large amount of users that download this package in the same time. even with this “quiet” release and these download restrictions, I still got a large peak of users that downloaded the Beta release of NirLauncher.
A day after I released this package, it was published in lifehacker and other well-known Web sites, which caused a large visitors peak that I had never seen before. At some point, my server load was pretty high, due to large amount of users that downloaded this package concurrently.
The users pick that I got after the NirLauncher release can be easily seen in the site statistics of Google Analitics. On October 5th, the number of unique visitors reached to nearly 50,000, which is around 40% more than a usual day.

NirLauncher release in Google Analitics.
On alexa Web site, you can also see the visitors peak after NirLauncher release, but the visitors peak is not sharp as in Google Analitics, because there are other peaks appeared during september, from unknown reason. Obviously, Google Analitics is more accurate than Alexa, because Alexa only counts the visitors with Alexa toolbar, while Google Analitics counts all visitors with JavaScript enabled Web browser.

NirLauncher release in Alexa
Another impressive result from NirLauncher release is the number of remarks in the release post (currently 55), which is quite nice relatively to my inactive Blog. Be aware that I haven’t had time yet to read all yours remarks deeply, but I’ll certainly consider them in further NirLauncher releases.