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New utility in NirSoft collection, ShellMenuNew, allows you to easily disable and enable menu items that are listed under the ‘New’ submenu of Explorer.

Explorer New Submenu

Explorer New Submenu

This utility was not specified in the utilities plans for 2010 that I posted a few weeks ago, simply because I created this utility within a few days without planning to create it before.

You can read more about this utility and download it in this ShellMenuNew web page.



2 disk related utilities added to NirSoft in the last week. The first one, DiskCountersView, displays the system counters of each disk drive in your system, including the total number of read/write operations and the total number of read/write bytes. It also displays general drive information, like disk name, partition number, partition location, and so on.



The second utility, DiskSmartView, retrieves the S.M.A.R.T information (S.M.A.R.T = Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) from IDE/SATA disks. This information includes the disk model/firmware/serial number, cylinders/heads, power-on hours (POH), internal temperature, disk errors rate, and more. You can use the S.M.A.R.T information retrieved by DiskSmartView to find out whether there is any significant problem in your disk drive.



Both utilities are already included in the latest release of NirLauncher package at

A few months ago, I posted some information about moving to x64 system and explained the problem with creating 64-bit version of OpenedFilesView.
A few users that read my Blog post suggested that I use the trick described in the following  article:  Solving 64-Bit Windows’ “I Only Want Signed Drivers!” Tantrums.
After checking this method, I found out that some information in this article is inaccurate, but in the end I managed to get it work. First, this article suggest to use ‘bcdedit /set testsigning on’ command in order to turn on the mode that allows to load drivers that are not signed by Microsoft. However, this article doesn’t mention that this command takes effect only after system restart.  Also, this article says that I must install the certificate on the computer that I want to load the driver. In fact, I found out that I can load my driver even without installing the certificate, as long as I sign my driver with my dummy signature, and the driver signing test mode is turned on.

Although many users may not want to turn on the driver signing test mode just to use my OpenedFilesView utility, I decided to create unofficial release of OpenFilesView/x64 that can be used when the test mode is on. I also added a few lines of code that automatically offer the user to turn on this test mode when the driver cannot be loaded.

You can download the x64 release of OpenedFilesView from here.

In the first time that you try to run it, OpenedFilesView will ask you if you want to turn on the driver test mode. If you choose ‘Yes’, you’ll have to manually reboot your system in order to start using OpenedFilesView.  After reboot, your system will be loaded in test mode, which allows OpenedFilesView to load the driver and work properly.

Be aware that Windows continue to work in this test mode even after reboot. If you want to turn off this test mode, you can choose ‘Help->Turn Off Test Mode’  in the menu bar of  OpenedFilesView, and then restart the computer.

OpenedFilesView in Windows 7/x64

OpenedFilesView in Windows 7/x64

Each time that you run an application in your system, a Prefetch file (.pf file) which contains information about the files loaded by the application, is created by Windows operating system. The information in the Prefetch file is used for optimizing the loading time of the application in the next time that you run it. These Prefetch files are stored in C:\Windows\Prefetch, starting from Windows XP.
WinPrefetchView is a new utility that allows you to easily watch the content of these .pf files.  By looking in these files, you can learn which files every application is using, and which files are loaded on Windows boot.

For more information about this new utility, click here.



NirLauncher is a package of more than 100 utilities of  NirSoft Web site with a launcher application that allows you to easily find and launch the desired utility or its help file.
A few months ago, I released the first Beta of this package in this Blog, and finally, now NirLauncher has a separated Web site with the latest package available to download.

The Web site address of  NirLauncher Web site is

Starting from today, NirLauncher package will also be updated more frequently than before. The latest version and the last update date are automatically displayed in the download page, so you’ll be able to easily see when there is a new package to download.
There is a new update from today, which includes all utilities changes made since the last NirLauncher release and the new FlashCookiesView utility. There is also a small improvement in NirLauncher application – it now allows you to launch the selected utility simply by pressing the Enter key. You can also change the functionality of Enter key in ‘Advanced Options’ window.

NirLauncher Download Page

NirLauncher Download Page

The new version of SearchMyFiles utility provide a new search mode that allows you to easily find duplicate files in your system.  When you switch to the new ‘Duplicates Search’ mode, SearchMyFiles scans the files according to your preferences, like it does in the regular mode, but instead of displaying the list of all files, it only displays the files with identical content.

In order to start using the duplicates search, simply set the Search Mode combo-box in the search options window to ‘Duplicates Search’. It’s also highly recommended to narrow the search by setting time, size or subfolder depth restrictions, because if don’t set additional restrictions, the duplicate search might be very slow.

In the following example (in the screenshot), SearchMyFiles was configured to search for duplicate files under c:\users but only for files that their size is greater than 1000 bytes:

Duplicate Search Options

Duplicate Search Options

During the duplicate search, there are 2 stages. In the first stage, SearchMyFiles scans all files and folders according to your selection, but without adding any file to the main window.  The scan in the first stage is only made for collecting the files list, but without reading the files. In the second stage, SearchMyFiles compare all files with equal size, and when it find 2 or more files with identical content, they are added to the duplicates list in the main window.

After the scan is finished, the duplicates list looks like in the following screenshot:

Duplicates Search Result

Duplicates Search Result

Each chunk of duplicates files are painted with different color (There are up to 64 different colors) and there is also a ‘Duplicate Number’ column, which allows you to easily sort the list according to the duplicates order.

You can find the latest version of SearchMyFiles utility here.

in, a Web site which contains file extension information submitted by users of FileTypesMan utility,  the Popularity field is now active, and displays one of the following values: Low, Medium, High, and Very High.

The Popularity is calculated according to the number of submissions received for the specified record.,  a Web site containing speed tests results of USB flash drives submitted by users of USBDeview utility, accumulated a total of more than 5500 speed tests.

So it’s time to do something with this speed tests database and make it more useful: I created a new summary page, which contains the average, maximum,  and minimum values for both read speed and write speed. This page only display the information for common USB drives that accumulated at least 5 speed tests.

You can view the summary page of USB speed tests in this link.

2010 is almost here, so it’s time to announce about 10 new utilities that will be added to NirSoft collection in the incoming months.  8 of these utilities are already in advanced development state, while the other 2 utilities are only in ‘planned’ state, and it’s still possible that I’ll replace them with other ideas.

The first utility, FlashCookiesView, will be released in the incoming week, and the others will be gradually released in the first quarter of 2010.

Here’s the list of the new utilities, 8 of them with screenshots:

  1. FlashCookiesView: Just like it sounds, this utility displays the list of cookies files and their content, created by Flash component in your Web browser. The first version won’t allow you to edit the cookies, but it’s possible that this feature will be added in the future.



  2. DiskCountersView: This utility displays the system counters of each disk drive in your system, including the total number of read/write operations and the total number of read/write bytes. It also displays general drive information, like disk name, partition number, partition location, and so on.



  3. DiskSmartView:  This utility displays the S.M.A.R.T information extracted from IDE disks.  This information can be used to detect problems in the hard-disk.



  4. WinPrefetchView: Each time that you run an executable file in your system, Windows creates a Prefetch file (.pf extension) under C:\windows\Prefetch, which stores information about which files this application use, so in the next time, Windows will be able to optimize the  application loading process. WinPrefetchView utility allows you to view the content of these .pf files, which generally shows you the list of files that the application used.



  5. BulkFileChanger: This utility is the successor of my very old ‘FileDateChanger’ utility. It’ll allow you to add multiple files from multiple folders (by wildcard, by drag & drop, and so on) to the list, and then make some operation on all of them at once, including: date/time change, attribute change, copy/paste, cut/paste, and maybe rename too.



  6. AppCrashView: On Windows 7 /Vista, every time that application is crashed, a .wer file is created, which contains the information about the crash. This utility will allow you to easily watch the content of these .wer files.



  7. SearchFilterView: When you search the content of files with Windows search, it uses the right search IFilter plugin according to the file extension. This utility allows you to easily view the search filters installed on your system, as well as to add/remote extensions associated with these filters.



  8. NTFSLinksView: Starting from Windows Vista, Microsoft use symbolic links and junction points of NTFS file system in order to make changes in the folders structure of Windows and keep the compatibility of applications written for older versions of Windows.
    This utility simply shows you to list of all symbolic links and junctions in the specified folder, and their target paths.



  9. WakeMeOnLan: This utility will collect information about IP addresses and their associated MAC addresses on your LAN, and when you need it, it’ll allow you to send Wake-on-LAN packet to the desired computers in order to turn on these computers.
  10. OperaPassView: Just like it sounds, a utility to recover the passwords stored by Opera Web browser.

Notice:  The latest version of NirLauncher package is now available at

Many people ask me to add ‘Auto Update’ feature that will automatically update the latest version of all NirSoft utilities and the NirLauncher itself.  So I’ll eventually add this feature in one way or another, but the first step is to create an official download page of NirLauncher package that will be updated with the latest utilities every week or every 2 weeks. I hope that the official download page will be available in the incoming weeks.

For now, there is a new Beta download of NirLauncher package, with the following changes:

  • Fixed the missing icons problem in Windows 7/x64.
  • Added packages menu to choose a package.  A package can also be selected from accelerator keys (Ctrl+1 for the first package, Ctrl+2 for the second package, and so on…)
  • Added status bar information.
  • Fixed the crash problems that occurred in some utilities on Windows 7/Vista, when running  NirLauncher as administrator.  This problem occurred only because the executable of NirLauncher contains the word ‘launch’. You can read more about this problem in this post.
    Here’s a small summary of the problem and the way that I solved it:

    • When any executable contains the word ‘launch’ (in my case, NirLauncher.exe), Windows Vista/7 automatically shim the application, which means that apphelp.dll and AcLayers.DLL are loaded into the process and replace the pointers to Windows API functions inside the export table.
    • When  NirLauncher run a utility, the utility is also shimmed, probably because child applications automatically get the same treatment like the parent application. However, if the utility requires elevation (To run as admin) while NirLauncher was executed without admin rights, the launched utility is not shimmed.
    • Some of NirSoft utilities –  ‘Network  Password Recovery’, LSASecretsView, and LSASecretsDump use some code injection technique in order to extract the system data. These utilities use the API function addresses returned  by GetProcAddress function to execute the desired code in a system process. But… when an application is shimmed,  GetProcAddress function returns the addresses of the shim layer instead of the real kernel addresses. These wrong addresses caused the system process to crash immediately and restart the system after a minute.
    • The easiest solution for this problem is to change the executable name of NirLauncher to something else, but this kind of solution is really ridiculous. Also, I cannot assure that Windows won’t shim my application from any other reason.
    • I also tried to add into the executable of NirLauncher and the other utilities a manifest which contains compatibility information. This manifest is a small XML which says to Windows OS: “This application is compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7, so don’t shim it”.
      Unfortunately, this solution simply didn’t work.
    • The problem was finally solved by making changes in the problematic utilities (NetPass,  LSASecretsView, and LSASecretsDump), so these utilities will work properly even when they are shimmed.  When these utilities detect that they are shimmed, LdrGetProcedureAddress (in ntdll.dll) function is used to get the real address of GetProcAddress function inside the Windows kernel, and in this way, my utilities  bypass the shim layer and get the real kernel addresses.

Update (December 1st, 2009):  Fixed also the Shim issue in MessenPass and WirelessKeyView.

Download the third Beta of NirLauncher package with more than 100 utilities

Zip File Information:  (to verify that the downloaded file is Ok)

MD5: c181e7e46d4acde6f6c9b12309eb85b8
SHA1: 580fcb82d057c8a3cef752124802026886956172
File Size: 6,908,394
Number of files in the Zip: 247