Archive for August, 2011

WinCrashReport is a new utility that provides an alternative to the built-in crash reporting program of Windows operating system. When application crashes in your system and Windows displays the internal crash window of the operating system, you can run WinCrashReport, and get extensive report about the crashed application. The crash report of WinCrashReport is displayed as simple text or in HTML, and includes the following information: Crash memory address, Exception code, Exception description, Strings found in the stack, call stack, processor registers, modules list, threads list, and more…

As opposed to Microsoft crash reporting module, which behaves differently from one version of Windows to another, WinCrashReport allows you to get the same report format for all versions of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 7. It also allows you to easily save the crash report into text file or HTML file.

For more information this new utility, click here.



WakeMeOnLan is a new utility that allows you to easily turn on one or more computers on your network,  by sending Wake-on-LAN (WOL) packet to these computers.

When your computers are turned on, WakeMeOnLan allows you to scan your network, and collect the MAC addresses of all your computers, and save the computers list into a file. Later, when your computers are turned off or in standby mode, you can use the stored computers list to easily choose the computer you want to turn on, and then turn on all these computers with a single click.
WakeMeOnLan also allows you to turn on a computer from command-line, by specifying the computer name, IP address, or the MAC address of the remote network card.

I originally promised to create this utility during year 2010 , but in the end, I created other utilities instead of this one. But… the release of Wireless Network Watcher utility a few weeks ago,  gave me a new opportunity to revive the development of WakeMeOnLan, simply because I found out that I can use the scanner of Wireless Network Watcher with only a few adjustments, as the base for the WakeMeOnLan tool.

You can download the new WakeMeOnLan utility from this Web page.



DomainHostingView is a new utility for Windows that collects extensive information about a domain by using a series of DNS and WHOIS queries, and generates HTML report that can be displayed in any Web browser.

The information displayed by the domain report of DomainHostingView includes:

  • The hosting company or data center that hosts the Web server, mail server, and domain name server (DNS) of the specified domain.
  • The created/changed/expire date of the domain.
  • Domain owner
  • Domain registrar that registered the domain.
  • List of all DNS records, including the PTR records (Reverse DNS lookup) of all IP addresses used by this domain.
  • Server string to identify the type of Web server (Linux, Apache, Windows, and so on…)
  • Raw WHOIS record of the domain
  • Raw WHOIS records of the IP addresses found in the DNS records.
DomainHostingView Report

DomainHostingView Report

DomainHostingView is somewhat a combination of 3 other existing tools, WhoisThisDomain, IPNetInfo, and DNSDataView

You can download the DomainHostingView utility from this Web page.

TableTextCompare is a new utility that allows you to easily compare 2 tab-delimited or comma-delimited (csv) files, and find out the difference between the 2 files. You can use this tool for comparing 2 different snapshots of data, created by other NirSoft utilities, like DriverView, ServiWin, USBDeview, CurrPorts, WirelessNetView, ShellExView, and many others…
For example, You can use DriverView utility to save 2 snapshots of loaded drivers list into a tab-delimited file, and then use TableTextCompare to easily find out which device drivers were added, removed, or changed since the time that the first snapshot was taken.

You can also use this utility to compare csv/tab-delimited files created by any other software, like Microsoft Excel.

TableTextCompare can make the comparison even if the records of the 2 files are not sorted in the same order, or if the fields are not positioned in the same order.



For more information about this new utility, click here.