Archive for July, 2010

BlueScreenView utility allows you to watch the blue screen crashes  occurred in your system by reading and analyzing the MiniDump files created on every crash by the operating system. The MiniDump files are usually created under C:\WINDOWS\Minidump, unless the path was modified in the system failure settings of Windows.

In most systems, Windows is already configured to create these MiniDump files as the default system failure configuration.

However, if from some reason MiniDump files are not created in your system during a blue screen crash, you should follow the instructions below in order to configure Windows to create them.

For Windows XP:

  1. Right-click on the  ‘My Computer’ icon and choose ‘Properties’. Alternatively, you can also go to Control Panel and open the ‘System’ applet.
  2. In the opened window, click the ‘Advanced’ tab and then inside the ‘Startup And Recovery’ frame, click the ‘Settings’ button.

    System Properties Window

    System Properties Window

  3. In the opened ‘Startup And Recovery’ window,  there is ‘Write Debugging Information’ section. You should set the combo-box in this section to ‘Small memory dump’, and then click ‘ok’ to confirm the change.

    Startup And Recovery

    Startup And Recovery

For Windows 7:

  1. Go to the Control Panel, choose ‘System And Security’, and then click ‘System’, and then click the ‘Advanced System Settings’ link.
  2. In the opened window, click the ‘Advanced’ tab and then inside the ‘Startup And Recovery’ frame, click the ‘Settings’ button.
  3. In the opened ‘Startup And Recovery’ window,  there is ‘Write Debugging Information’ section. You should set the combo-box in this section to ‘Small memory dump’, and then click ‘ok’ to confirm the change.

You can also make this MiniDump change in the Registry, by setting the following value:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


However, be aware that this Registry change affects the system only after reboot.

Here’s a list of utilities updates made in the last week:

  • IPNetInfo and WhosIP: Both of these utilities were fixed to work with the changes made in ARIN WHOIS server.
  • Mail PassView: Added ‘Secured’ column, which displays whether the mail server works in a secured connection, and ‘Server Port’ column, which displays the TCP port number on the server, if the server use non-standard port.
  • WhatInStartup,  MyEventViewer, SpecialFoldersView, and others – Fixed a problem with the xml encoding that appeared in all my Unicode executable files.
  • SniffPass: Added x64 build of SniffPass, which allows you to work with Microsoft Network Monitor Driver 3.x on 64-bit version of Windows.
  • OutlookAttachView:  Added support for embedded message attachments (attachments of another message). These attachments are saved as .msg files that can be opened by Outlook.
  • SmartSniff: Added ‘Automatically Scroll Down in Live Mode’ option, which allows you to automatically scroll down to the bottom of the TCP/IP streams list while capturing the network packets.
  • NK2Edit: Added ‘NK2 Control Center’ which allows companies to watch the status and the location of Outlook AutoComplete files (NK2) in all computers.

URLStringGrabber is a new utility that scans all opened windows of Internet Explorer and grabs the URLs stored in them, including clickable links, images, script files, CSS files, RSS feeds, and flash (.swf) files.

The URLs list is displayed in table, and you can easily export some of the URLs or the entire URLs list into text, csv, html, or xml file. You can also copy the URLs list into the clipboard and paste them into Excel or other spreadsheet application.

For more information about this new utility, click here.

