Translation packs are now available in NirLauncher download page

The download page of NirLauncher package now also allows you to download all translations of the desired language in one zip file.  After you download the right translation package, you can extract it into the NirSoft subfolder of NirLauncher package, and then every utility that you run will be loaded with your language, as long as the translation for this utility is available.

The translations packs are automatically created and updated each time that a new versions of NirLauncher package is released.

For now, I added the translation packs for 10 languages only, but it’s possible that more languages will be added according to users requests.


  1. Roger says:

    Thanks that you add very fast what I wanted 😀

  2. Sparky says:

    Any chance that you could included the current sysinternals2.nlp file in the nirlauncher distro/zip file? Maybe have it unzip to the ../sysinternals directory (next to Nirsoft) just to set things up.

  3. Lucy says:

    I got the launcher to work with Sysinternals but not with the Nirsoft utilities.

    Did I get a corrupted download or am I downloading from the wrong spot? I downloaded version 1.06, but there is no NLP file and there are only a few utilities.

    It just seems really odd that I can get Sysinternals to work with the launcher but not Nirsoft.

    Thanks for any help. I’m really looking forward to using this.

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