As you may already know, the password recovery tools provided by NirSoft are constantly detected by many Antivirus programs as malware/Trojan/Virus or as a security risk.
Usually, the detection is not done by mistake. The Antivirus companies deliberately add these utilities to their database, because in addition to their legitimate use of recovering passwords, these programs can also be used for malicious purposes, like stealing passwords from another person, and thus the Antivirus companies see them as a threat to the user.

In the past, the Virus alerts problem only affected users who have Antivirus program running in the background, but today… the problem is much more complicated.
It started 2 years ago, when Google acquired VirusTotal, a known Web site that scans files with all major Antivirus engines, and displays the result from all of them in one page.
It seems that now Google uses VirusTotal technology to decide whether a file is good or bad. If a file is detected by a lot of Antivirus engines, then it’s considered as Malware by the Malware detection system of Google.

Chrome and Firefox, the 2 most popular Web browsers today, already use the Malware detection system of Google for every downloaded file, so if Google system detects the downloaded file as malware, the Web browser blocks the download and displays a warning saying that the file is malicious. Recently, I constantly get messages from people like “My Web browser blocks your software, please sent it to me by email”, which is quite annoying. In additional to the password-recovery tools downloaded separately, NirLauncher package is also frequently blocked by Chrome and Firefox, simply because it contains the same password-recovery tools.

But this is not the only problem… In the last week, I had 3 days that my Web site was blocked for people who search my utilities  in Google, and “This site may harm your computer” message was displayed in the search result.  The automatic systems of Google falsely detected that I have multiple malwares on my Web site, and blocked the access to my Web site  from Google search results in order to protect the users from malwares that  didn’t  really exist…
All files that Google detected as malwares were simply my password recovery tools, and Google detected them as malware simply because many Antivirus programs target them.

The command-line options of my password recovery tools are the major feature that allows hackers and Trojans to use these tools for bad purposes, because it’s possible to export the passwords into a file and then optionally send them to a remote location (using another software) without displaying any user interface. Removing the command-line options from these tools will cause the Antivirus companies to see them as a lower security risk than before, and hopefully some of them will remove them from their virus detection database.  If a few Antivirus companies will remove the detection of my password-recovery tools from their system, the total number of VirusTotal detection will be lower,  and the chance of getting into troubles as described above will be lower too.

I know that some of you,  who are using the command-line options of my password-recovery tools for legal purposes, will be disappointed from this change, but in our ridiculous world where combination of Antivirus companies, VirusTotal service and Google may lead to blocking many users from accessing my Web site or from downloading software provided in it, I don’t have other choice.

I’m still looking for a way to provide command-line version of these tools for users who need this feature for legal purposes, but it must be done in a separated Web site ,so NirSoft web site won’t be affected from them.

SkypeContactsView is a new tool that displays the list of all Skype contacts stored in the local database file of Skype.
For each contact, one or more of the following fields are displayed: Skype Name, Full Name, Display Name, Gender, ID, Birthday, Profile Time, Last Online Time, Last Used Time, Phone, Emails, and more…
SkypeContactsView also allows you to export the contacts list into text/tab-delimited/comma-delimited/xml/html file, or copy them to the clipboard and then paste them into Excel or other spreadsheet application.



You can download this new tool from this Web page.


FolderTimeUpdate is a new tool for Windows that scans all files and folders under the base folder you choose, and updates the ‘Modified Time’ of every folder according the latest modified time of the files stored in it.
This tool might be useful if, for example, you backup a cluster of folders and then restore them into another disk, but the backup program doesn’t restore the original modified time of the folders.



You can download this new tool from this Web page.


WifiChannelMonitor is a new tool for Windows Vista/7/8/2012 that captures wifi traffic on the channel you choose, using Microsoft Network Monitor capture driver in monitor mode, and displays extensive information about access points and the wifi clients connected to them. WifiChannelMonitor also allows you to view the information about wifi clients that are not connected to any access points, including the list of SSIDs (network names) that they are trying to connect.
For every access point, the following information is displayed: SSID, MAC Address, Device Manufacturer , PHY Type, Channel, RSSI, Security, Beacons Count, Probe Responses Count, Data Bytes, Retransmitted Data Bytes, and more…
For every client, the following information is displayed: MAC Address, Device Manufacturer, SSID list that the client tries to connect, Sent Data Bytes, Received Data Bytes, Probe Requests Count, and more…



You can get more information about this tool in the official page of WifiChannelMonitor.


The new version of OutlookStatView (v1.70) provides a new type of statistics reports, which allows you to view the amount , total size, and average size of incoming/outgoing messages grouped by a time period – hour, day, week, month, or year.  You can get the new reports by choosing the desired report from the ‘Report Type’ field in the ‘Scan Options’ window.

OutlookStatView Monthly Report

OutlookStatView Monthly Report



As you may know, NirSoft is always the place to find utilities for Windows operating system, so this new utility , or more accurately  – this new application… is really different from all others, because it’s an application for Android…

Before you go to download and install it, let me lower your expectations. The utilities that I create for Windows are a result of many years of experience in Windows programming and very deep knowledge of Windows operating system.  As opposed to Windows, I have very little knowledge in Android programming , and this new application is actually the first app for Android that I ever created.  Moreover, Android is a quite limited operating system (unless you have a rooted device), so many things that I do in Windows cannot be done in Android.

So … the application presented below will get the job done , but it’s not powerful, small, and effective  like my Windows utilities.

Wifi Collector is an application for Android that collects information about wireless networks and their location while you’re walking on the streets or driving your car. For every wireless network, the following information is collected: network name (SSID), MAC address of the access point, company that manufactured the access point, signal level, channel frequency, channel number, security (WEP/WPA/WPA2), WPS support (Yes/No), Date/Time that the network was detected, and the location of the wireless network (Longitude and Latitude) taken from the GPS. After collecting the wireless networks information, you can export it into csv file, tab-delimited file, HTML file, or .kml file of Google Earth, which allows to view the location of all collected networks on a map of Google Earth.

As opposed to my  Windows counterpart tools (WifiInfoView and WirelessNetView ), this application doesn’t display all collected networks information on the main screen. Instead, it only displays general statistics about number of collected networks.  Also, due to limitation of  Android API, some of  the wireless networks information displayed by my Windows tools is not available in the Wifi Collector application.

The Wifi Collector application is available to install from Google Play.

You can also download and install it directly from NirSoft Web site on the official Web page of Wifi Collector.



InstalledDriversList is a new utility for Windows that lists all device drivers that are currently installed on your system. For every device driver, the following information is displayed: Driver Name, Display Name, Description, Startup Type, Driver type, Driver Group, Filename, File Size, Modified/Created Time of the driver file, and version information of the driver file.
If the driver is currently running on Windows kernel, the following information is also displayed: Base Memory Address, End Address, Memory Size, and Load Count.



You can download this new utility from this Web page.



ImageCacheViewer is a new utility that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists the images displayed in the Web sites that you recently visited.
For every cached image file, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, browsing time, and file size.
When selecting a cache item in the upper pane of ImageCacheViewer, the image is displayed in the lower pane, and you can copy the image to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+M.



You can download this new tool from this Web page.


SimpleProgramDebugger is a simple debugging tool for Windows that attaches to existing running program or starts a new program in debugging mode, and then displays all major debugging events occurs while the program is running, including Exception, Create Thread, Create Process, Exit Thread, Exit Process, Load DLL, Unload Dll, and Debug String.
After the debugging events are accumulated, you can easily export them into comma-delimited/tab-delimited/xml/html file or copy them to the clipboard and then paste them into Excel or any other spreadsheet application.




You can download SimpleProgramDebugger utility from this Web page.


FBCacheView is a new utility that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).



You can download this new tool  from this Web page.