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HTTPNetworkSniffer is a new packet sniffer tool that captures all HTTP requests/responses sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple table. For every HTTP request, the following information is displayed: Host Name, HTTP method (GET, POST, HEAD), URL Path, User Agent, Response Code, Response String, Content Type, Referer, Content Encoding, Transfer Encoding, Server Name, Content Length, Cookie String, and more…

You can easily select one or more HTTP information lines, and then export them to text/html/xml/csv file or copy them to the clipboard and then paste them into Excel.



You can download this new tool from this Web page.

SafariCacheView is a new utility for Windows that reads and parses the cache file of Safari Web browser (cache.db) and displays the list of all cached files in a simple table. Every cache information line includes the following information: Filename, Content Type, URL, Content Length, Server Name, Server Time, Expiration Time, Last Modified Time, Content Encoding, and Referrer.

SafariCacheView also allows you to select one or more cache items and then extract them into the desired folder or save the cache list into html/text/xml/csv file.



You can download the new SafariCacheView utility from this Web page.

SafariHistoryView is a new utility for Windows that reads and parses the history file of Safari Web browser (history.plist) and displays the browsing history in a simple table. Every browsing history line includes the following information: URL, Web Page Title, Last Visit Time, Visit Count, Redirected To URL, and Record Index.
SafariHistoryView allows you to easily export the browsing history data into text/csv/html/xml file, or copy the data to the clipboard and then paste it into Excel.



You can download this new utility from this Web page.

WebCamImageSave is a new WebCam capture utility that allows you to easily capture a still image from your camera every number of seconds that you choose, and save it into image file (.jpg, .png, .bmp) on your disk. You can format the saved image filename with the date/time that the image was taken according to your preference, for example: c:\images\img20110725_123256.jpg
WebCamImageSave also adds a label with the date/time that the image was capture into the image, by using the font, color, and date/time format that you choose.
You can also capture a single camera image from command-line, without displaying any user interface.



You can download the WebCamImageSave utility from this Web page.

WebCookiesSniffer is a new packet sniffer utility that captures all Web site cookies sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple cookies table. The upper pane of WebCookiesSniffer displays the cookie string and the Web site/host name that sent or received this cookie. When selecting a cookie string in the upper pane, WebCookiesSniffer parses the cookie string and displays the cookies as name-value format in the lower pane.



You can download this new cookies viewer utility from this Web page.

WebSiteSniffer is a new packet sniffer tool that captures all Web site files downloaded by your Web browser while browsing the Internet, and stores them on your hard drive under the base folder that you choose. WebSiteSniffer allows you to choose which type of Web site files will be captured: HTML Files, Text Files, XML Files, CSS Files, Video/Audio Files, Images, Scripts, and Flash (.swf) files.

While capturing the Web site files, the main window of WebSiteSniffer displays general statistics about the downloaded files for every Web site / host name, including the total size of all files (compressed and uncompressed) and total number of files for every file type (HTML, Text, Images, and so on)

WebSiteSniffer uses one of the following capture drivers to capture the network packets:  WinPcap Capture Driver, Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 2.x, and Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 3.x

You can download the new WebSiteSniffer utility from this Web page.

WebSiteSniffer Main Window

WebSiteSniffer Main Window

Files Captured By WebSiteSniffer

Files Captured By WebSiteSniffer

Files Captured By WebSiteSniffer

Files Captured By WebSiteSniffer

CSVFileView is a simple CSV file viewer/converter utility that allows you to easily view the content of CSV or tab-delimited file created by NirSoft utilities or by any other software, in a simple table viewer. You can sort the lines according to one of the fields, remove unwanted fields and change their order, and then save the result back into CSV file, tab-delimited file, XML file, or HTML report.

You can download this new utility from this Web page.



NetworkTrafficView is a new network monitoring tool that captures the packets pass through your network adapter, and displays general statistics about your network traffic. The packets statistics is grouped by the Ethernet Type, IP Protocol, Source/Destination Addresses, and Source/Destination ports. For every statistics line, the following information is displayed: Ethernet Type (IPv4, IPv6, ARP), IP Protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP), Source Address, Destination Address, Source Port, Destination Port, Service Name (http, ftp, and so on), Packets Count, Total Packets Size, Total Data Size, Data Speed, Maximum Data Speed, Average Packet Size, First/Last Packet Time, Duration, and process ID/Name (For TCP connections).



NetworkTrafficView requires one of the following capture drivers: WinPcap Capture Driver, Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 2.x (Only for Windows 2000/XP/2003), or Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 3.x
You can also try to use NetworkTrafficView without installing any driver, by using the ‘Raw Sackets’ method. However, the ‘Raw Sackets’ method is very limited and doesn’t work in all Windows systems.

You can download the new NetworkTrafficView utility from this Web page.

WinCrashReport is a new utility that provides an alternative to the built-in crash reporting program of Windows operating system. When application crashes in your system and Windows displays the internal crash window of the operating system, you can run WinCrashReport, and get extensive report about the crashed application. The crash report of WinCrashReport is displayed as simple text or in HTML, and includes the following information: Crash memory address, Exception code, Exception description, Strings found in the stack, call stack, processor registers, modules list, threads list, and more…

As opposed to Microsoft crash reporting module, which behaves differently from one version of Windows to another, WinCrashReport allows you to get the same report format for all versions of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 7. It also allows you to easily save the crash report into text file or HTML file.

For more information this new utility, click here.



WakeMeOnLan is a new utility that allows you to easily turn on one or more computers on your network,  by sending Wake-on-LAN (WOL) packet to these computers.

When your computers are turned on, WakeMeOnLan allows you to scan your network, and collect the MAC addresses of all your computers, and save the computers list into a file. Later, when your computers are turned off or in standby mode, you can use the stored computers list to easily choose the computer you want to turn on, and then turn on all these computers with a single click.
WakeMeOnLan also allows you to turn on a computer from command-line, by specifying the computer name, IP address, or the MAC address of the remote network card.

I originally promised to create this utility during year 2010 , but in the end, I created other utilities instead of this one. But… the release of Wireless Network Watcher utility a few weeks ago,  gave me a new opportunity to revive the development of WakeMeOnLan, simply because I found out that I can use the scanner of Wireless Network Watcher with only a few adjustments, as the base for the WakeMeOnLan tool.

You can download the new WakeMeOnLan utility from this Web page.

