The new version of BulkFileChanger supports the ‘Last Saved’ and ‘Content Created’ date properties of Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel).
You can set the ‘Last Saved’ and ‘Content Created’ fields to specific date/time, and you can also copy the ‘Last Saved’ and ‘Content Created’ fields
into the created/modified time of the file system and vice versa.
Be aware that this feature works on Windows 7 or later, and on 64-bit systems it’s recommended to use the 64-bit version of BulkFileChanger to
ensure that it’ll work properly with the ‘Last Saved’ and ‘Content Created’ properties.
Mark says:
Hi. Is there a way to copy the timestamp from a group of files and paste to another group of files?
December 18, 2019, 1:53 am