Archive for October, 2011

SafariHistoryView is a new utility for Windows that reads and parses the history file of Safari Web browser (history.plist) and displays the browsing history in a simple table. Every browsing history line includes the following information: URL, Web Page Title, Last Visit Time, Visit Count, Redirected To URL, and Record Index.
SafariHistoryView allows you to easily export the browsing history data into text/csv/html/xml file, or copy the data to the clipboard and then paste it into Excel.



You can download this new utility from this Web page.

WebCamImageSave is a new WebCam capture utility that allows you to easily capture a still image from your camera every number of seconds that you choose, and save it into image file (.jpg, .png, .bmp) on your disk. You can format the saved image filename with the date/time that the image was taken according to your preference, for example: c:\images\img20110725_123256.jpg
WebCamImageSave also adds a label with the date/time that the image was capture into the image, by using the font, color, and date/time format that you choose.
You can also capture a single camera image from command-line, without displaying any user interface.



You can download the WebCamImageSave utility from this Web page.

WebCookiesSniffer is a new packet sniffer utility that captures all Web site cookies sent between the Web browser and the Web server and displays them in a simple cookies table. The upper pane of WebCookiesSniffer displays the cookie string and the Web site/host name that sent or received this cookie. When selecting a cookie string in the upper pane, WebCookiesSniffer parses the cookie string and displays the cookies as name-value format in the lower pane.



You can download this new cookies viewer utility from this Web page.