View Windows Defender threats on local and remote computer

WinDefThreatsView is a new tool for Windows 10 that displays the list of all threats detected by Windows Defender Antivirus.  For every threat, the following information is displayed: Filename, Threat Name, Severity, Process Name, Initial Detect Time, Status Change Time, Remediation Time, Threat ID, Threat Status, Default Threat Action, and more…

WinDefThreatsView  also allows you to quickly set the default action (Allow, Quarantine, Clean, Remove, Block, or No Action) for multiple threats at once. You can use this tool on your local computer and you can also get the  threats  list from a remote computer on your network.

Windows Defender threats list

You can download the WinDefThreatsView  tool from this Web page.


  1. Andrew says:

    Microsoft defender on Windows flags this as a virus.

  2. Franck says:

    Thank you so much for your fabulous apps!!!

  3. Fernadno says:

    Windows defender is detecting a lot of Nirsoft utilities as HackTool from yesterday.

  4. Name says:

    The screenshot says “Sevirity” that’s a typo

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