BluetoothLEView is a new tool for Windows 10 and Windows 11 that monitors and displays the activity of Bluetooth Low Energy devices around you.
For every device detected by BluetoothLEView, the following information is displayed (if it’s available): MAC Address, Device Name, Signal Strength In dBm (RSSI), Manufacturer ID, Manufacturer Name, Service ID, Service Name, first and last time that the device was detected, number of times that the device was detected, and more…
In order to run and use the BluetoothLEView tool, you need a computer with Windows 10 or Windows 11, and a Bluetooth dongle or internal Bluetooth adapter that supports Bluetooth Low Energy.

You can download the BluetoothLEView tool from this Web page.
Posted by NirSoft on January 22, 2025 at 8:29 am under Utilities Update.
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The new version of WifiInfoView (v2.90) allows you to easily export the information of one or more access points into a .pcap capture file.
For every access point that you select, a single beacon frame with all information elements is added to the .pcap file.
After generating the .pcap with WifiInfoView, you can open and analyze the access point information by using the Wireshark software.
Here’s an example for .pcap file generated by WifiInfoView, and then opened in Wireshark:

You can download the new version of WifiInfoView from this Web page.
Posted by NirSoft on August 19, 2023 at 4:44 am under Utilities Update.
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The new version of NirLauncher package (1.30) allows you to easily add tools into your favorites list, and then view only your favorite tools instead of the entire tools collection.
In order to use this feature, simply select one or more tools in the main window of NirLauncher, and then from the right-click context menu choose ‘Add To Favorites’ to add the selected tools into your favorites list, or ‘Remove From Favorites’ to remove the selected tools from your favorites list.
When you want to view only your favorite tools, go to View -> Show Only Favorites or simply press F2.

There are also a few more new features in version 1.30 of NirLauncher package. You can find more information about them in the About Window (Help -> About).
Posted by NirSoft on April 12, 2023 at 7:26 am under Utilities Update.
BatteryHistoryView is a new tool for Windows 11 and Windows 10 that extracts and displays the battery history information stored in the SRUDB.dat database of Windows.
The battery history includes the following information: Timestamp, Cycle Count, Designed Capacity, Full Charged Capacity, Charge Level, Charge Percent, Active AC Time, CS AC Time, Active DC Time, CS DC Time, Active Discharge Time, CS Discharge Time, Active Energy, CS Energy.
You can extract the battery history from your local computer, from remote computer on your network, and from external drive plugged to your computer.

The BatteryHistoryView tool is available to download from this Web page.
Posted by NirSoft on September 22, 2022 at 6:05 am under Utilities Update.
AppResourcesUsageView is a new tool that extracts and displays the application resources usage information stored in the SRUDB.dat database of Windows 10 and Windows 11.
For every record of application resources usage, the following information is displayed: Record ID, Timestamp, Application, User, Face Time, Cycle Time (Foreground/Background), Context Switches (Foreground/Background), Bytes Read/Written (Foreground/Background), Read/Write Operations Count (Foreground/Background).
You can extract the application resources usage records from your local computer, from remote computer on your network, and from external drive plugged to your computer.

The AppResourcesUsageView tool is available to download from this Web page.
Posted by NirSoft on August 22, 2022 at 9:33 am under Utilities Update.
1 Comment.
The new version of SearchMyFiles tool (3.20) allows you to easily search files that their filename length or path length is longer than the specified number of characters.
In order to use this feature, simply open the Search Options window, choose one of the following option in the filename length filter combo-box:
‘Find filename longer than X characters’ or ‘Find path longer than X characters’, and then type the desired length value.
After starting the search, SearchMyFiles will display all filenames/paths with length longer than the number you specified.

You can download the SearchMyFiles tool from this Web page.
Posted by NirSoft on July 4, 2022 at 5:17 am under Utilities Update.
WifiDiagnosticsView is a new Wifi diagnostics tool for Windows that monitors the wireless network service of Windows operating system and displays any event that occurs while WifiDiagnosticsView is running, including wireless networks scan, connect to access point, disconnect from access point, failed connection attempt, and so on.. When a failure is detected, the error code and error description is displayed.
WifiDiagnosticsView works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows Vista and up to Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported. Also, this tool is just a small standalone .exe file that you can run on any system without installing anything and there is no need to run it with Administrator privilege.

You can download the new WifiDiagnosticsView tool from this Web page.
Posted by NirSoft on May 29, 2022 at 1:19 pm under Utilities Update.
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ExtPassword! is new tool for Windows that allows you to extract passwords from external disk plugged to your computer.
ExtPassword! can decrypt and extract multiple types of passwords and essential information, including passwords of common email software (Outlook, Thunderbird, Windows Mail App of Windows 11/10), passwords of common Web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, and others), wireless network keys, dialup/VPN passwords, Windows network credentials, Windows product key, Windows security questions.
The ExtPassword! tool might be useful if you have a disk with Windows operating system that cannot boot anymore, and you want to extract your passwords from it.

You can find more information about this tool in this Web page.
Posted by NirSoft on April 3, 2022 at 6:58 am under Utilities Update.
1 Comment.
WinDefLogView is a new tool for Windows 10 and Windows 11 that reads the event log of Windows Defender (Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational) and displays a log of threats detected by Windows Defender on your system. For every log line, the following information is displayed: Detect Time, Filename, Threat Name, Severity, Category, Detection User, Action, Origin, and more…
WinDefLogView allows you to load the detected threats log from your local system, from one or more remote computers on your network, and from external drive plugged to your computer

You can download the new WinDefLogView tool from this Web page.
Posted by NirSoft on March 11, 2022 at 3:21 am under Utilities Update.
The new version of Wireless Network Watcher (v2.30) allows you to add your own menu items to the right-click context menu, by editing the configuration file (WNetWatcher.cfg)
For every custom menu item, you can choose the caption of the menu and the command that will be executed when you click the menu item.
In the command string you can put variables that will be replaced with the data from the selected item, like IP address, device name, MAC address, and so on.
Here’s an example for custom menu you can add to the configuration file of Wireless Network Watcher:
Caption0=Ping IP address
Command0=cmd.exe /K ping %IPAddress%
Caption1=Ping Host Name
Command1=cmd.exe /K ping %DeviceName%
Caption2=Check IP Address With Nbtstat
Command2=cmd.exe /K nbtstat.exe -A %IPAddress%
Caption4=Open IP Address In Chrome
Command4=chrome.exe %IPAddress%
Caption5=Open IP Address In Firefox
Command5=Firefox.exe %IPAddress%
Caption7=Open Admin Share
After adding the above custom menu to the configuration file, the context menu looks like this:

You can find more information about the custom menu feature in the Web page of Wireless Network Watcher.
Also, it’s possible that the custom menu feature will be added to other NirSoft tools in the near future.
Posted by NirSoft on March 2, 2022 at 12:08 pm under Utilities Update.
1 Comment.